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Saturday, 14 May 2016

Hit Man 47: Game Review

Reviewed by Meshal on 15th May 2016
Our rating: 9.0/10.0
Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One
Genre(s): Action-adventure game, Stealth game.

Hit man a single player game talk about agent 47 who is player who you gonna play with this the second hit man game. the game just can be download it from the online stores they didn’t start to sell it on CD’s because they want to keep developing it. The game its fantastic and its make you feel like you are really in the real world.

This game start on 2012 from the hit man movie. The movie is at 2000. Now they start with the second version of it.
(Image from moviepilot, 2016)
The game run throw some killing mission that you have to do it. Until now they just upload 4 missions include the starting mission. The missions keep updating and you can download them from the stores.
I tried to play the game there is many ways to finish the missions so they work hard on it to make it interesting. 

The full game will be realise in late 2016 in CD’s all over the world.

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